
1. Home page

EpiCandIn has been created to track the epidemiology of candidiasis in India. It is a collection of manually curated publications that report the data on candidiasis such as Candida species, geographical location, niche affected, disease characteristics and drug therapy details.

Data can be retrieved using the given quick links on the webpage.

1. a) Candida species

The page shows sidebar filter for columns and species which user can use to filter the table based on species and selected columns.

1. b) Niche infected

The page shows sidebar filter for columns and niche which user can use to filter the table based on niche and selected columns.

1. c) Antifungal drugs

The page shows sidebar filter for columns and drugs which user can use to filter the table based on drugs and selected columns.

1. d) Geographical distribution

There is a dynamic map of India on the right side of homepage which is clickable and shows number of records on hovering.

2. Search

There are two types of search options in EpiCandIn.

a. i. A simple search option is available on the top right corner of the header on all the pages.

It allows users to query the whole database based on keywords. The number of hits, from each section of the database along with section name, is listed as a result. The results are hyperlinked to the detailed search result of the respective section.

Note: Only the first keyword will be considered for search if multiple keywords are given separated by space. Any other delimiter is invalid.


b. ii. The Search option on the navigation bar allows users to query the whole database section-wise using specific keywords and by selecting fields and applying logical operators (AND, OR).

To build a query, one field (explained below) at a time should be selected and a keyword corresponding to the same should be typed in the blank space. Click on the button to add the term to the query box. Use the logical operators and parentheses to build up a query.

Note: Queries can be built combining options 'AND', 'OR' from one section at a time

3. Browse

Browse page has sidebar filter through which user can select the columns. Selected columns are shown on the right of sidebar. Further, table can be filtered using search bar just above the table.

4. Summary

Summary page shows four navigation tabs. Each tab contains bar graphs of overall number of publications.

4. a) Publications

4. b) Species

In this tab graph can be sorted decade wise using the list filter on right side and number of publications for particular species can be seen for each decade.

4. c) Niche

In this tab graph can be sorted decade wise using the list filter on right side and number of publications for particular niche can be seen for each decade.

4. d) Drugs

5. Submit

User can submit their data using the given form on this page.

Rules for redundancy removal

Untitled Document
Redundant terms Annotations
Candidiasis, candidosis, candisiasis Candidiasis
Oral candidiasis, oropharyngeal candidiasis Oropharyngeal candidiasis
Vaginal candidiasis, vulvovaginal candidiasis, recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis, cutaneous candidiasis Cutaneous candidiasis
Esophageal candidiasis, Candida esophagitis Esophageal candidiasis
Candidemia, candidaemia, fungemia caused due to Candida spp Candidemia
C. kefyr, C. pseudotropicalis C. kefyr [B. Yang and R. Rao, 2018]
Niche, habitat Niche
Amphotericin, Amphotericin B, Amphottericin-B Amphotericin B
Ketoconazole, ketokonazole, Ketaconazole Ketoconazole
Oesophagus, esophagus Esophagus
Diabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, diabetes mellitus, insulin-dependent diabetes, insulin-independent diabetes Diabetes
5-fluorocytosine, Fluorocytosine, 5-Flucytosine 5-Flucytosine

Different spellings used for the same species names

Untitled Document
Spellings as per the publication Accepted spelling
C. dubliniansis, C. dublinienses, C. dubiliensis, C. dublieniensis, C. dublinenesis C. dubliniensis
C. guillermondii, C. guillerimondi, C. guillermondii C. guilliermondii
C. parapsillosis, C. parapsilosis, C. parasilopsis C. parapsilosis
C. catenulata, C. catenulate C. catenulata
C. glabarata, C. glabrata C. glabrata
C. hemolunii, C. haemulonii C. haemulonii
C. kiefer, C. kefyr, C. kyfer C. kefyr
C. sphaerica, C. spherica C. spherica
C. stellatoides, C. stellatoidea C. stellatoidea
C. tropical, C. tropicalis C. tropicalis
C. zeyloindes, C. zeylanoides C. zeylanoides

Type of candidiasis based on affected organs/niches

Untitled Document
Biological Sample collected Organ/Niche affected Type of candidiasis
Blood, pus Blood Blood
Urine Urinary tract Candiduria
Endotracheal aspirate, endotracheal secretion, bronchoalveolar lavage, pleural fluid, lung nodule, lung aspirate Lungs IC
Ascitic fluid, peritoneal fluid, iliac fluid, gastric lavage Abdomen IC
Vaginal swabs, high vaginal swabs, vaginal discharge Vagina Vulvovaginal candidiasis
Saliva, sputum, oral swabs, oropharyngeal swabs Oropharynx/Oral cavity Oropharyngeal candidiasis/Oral candidiasis
Stool, rectal swabs, feces, perianal region swab Intestine Enteric candidiasis, IC
Skin, groin swabs, fingers, nails, nail scrapings, wound swabs, skin scrapings, axillary swab, wound discharge Skin Cutaneous candidiasis
Cerebrospinal fluid Central nervous system IC
Pancreatic tissue Pancreas IC
Bile aspirate Gallbladder IC
Middle ear discharge Ear IC
Corneal scraping, vitreous fluid Eyes Ocular candidiasis, Candida keratitis
Umbilicus Umbilicus IC
Blood (heart) Umbilicus IC
Bone marrow Bone marrow IC